Can Headphones Be Damaged By Sweat? [Guide]

We all want our headphones to have prolonged and extended lives. This requires various things to take care of in which sweat resistance is also involved. Sweating is a natural process; we are all supposed to sweat during exercising and the long use of headphones. But the question that arises here is can headphones be damaged by sweat?

Effect of Sweat on the Earcups of Headphones:

The answer is yes. This is not a quick process but continuous sweating can make your earcups cracked. At first, sweat starts to gather in earcups which leads to the absorption of sweating in the paddings.

Some headphones come with the advantage of replaceable earcups but cheaper headphones don’t facilitate this advantage. This sometimes-caused cracking of the earcups. The discomfort and stickiness come along with the cracking as a package.

Related Topic: How-to-clean Headphones Earmuffs.

Effect of Sweat on the Sound of Headphones:

Can Headphones Be Damaged By Sweat ||

Apart from physical damage, sweating also affects the quality of sound. Because of the absorption of sweat in paddings, headphones become heavier and stuffed.

This results in a stuffed sound with heavy pitches. Especially in closed-back headphones, the stuffiness will make the sound extra loud.

How do I Prevent my Headphones From Sweating:

You can’t stop sweating, but you prevent sweating from damaging your headphones. This can be achieved by cleaning them regularly. It should be a daily routine of a headphone user to clean them with a soft cloth and hydrogen peroxide to remove the sweating smell. The post on how to remove the sweat smell from headphones will guide you step by step.

You can also buy a moisture-resistant headphone cover to keep your headphones free from sweating. These covers come in variable sizes and according to your headphones style. Although it is an expensive approach it can save you time.

If you are not in the mood of spending too much on covers, you can buy dry silica packets. Dry silica packets are considered best for absorbing extra moisture to keep items fresh.

Related Topic: How to stop headphones from Peeling.


In conclusion, sweating probably has a damaging effect not only on its physical appearance but also on the sound of the headphones. It is necessary to take serious steps to prevent your headphones from facing continuous sweating conditions.

If your headphones have already become the victim of sweating, check out how do you clean sweaty and smelly headphones. guide to give your headphones a new look.


1. How do you dry sweaty headphones?

You can use a soft fiber cloth to absorb the sweat completely. It is recommended to wipe them with grade peroxide to remove the sweat smell.

2. Is sweat bad for leather headphones?

Yes. Leather headphones tend to absorb sweat in their paddings. This makes the ear paddings sticky and stuffy.

3. Are earphones sweatproof?

Not all headphones come with sweat-resistant features. Any IP rating that has greater meaning than IPX1 or IP51 are sweat proof and recommended to buy.

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