How To Make Earbuds More Comfortable

Being tiny, light-weighted, and efficient earbuds are always the priorities especially for outside and ghost listeners. This is due to the fact they produce more mesmerizing and focused sound. However, they have their downsides as well. And they become more noticeable if you are not using the proper care.

The most problematic thing to face with earbuds is their comfort. Earbuds tend to be uncomfortable if you are not using or taking care of them properly. People often ask how to make earbuds more comfortable. To this question, the advice made is mostly relatable to some quick tips and hygiene.

There are some tips are suggestions that you might need regarding the comfort of your earbuds.

1. Wearing Technique:

The way you insert the earbuds into your canal decides the comfort you are going to face later. Being in-ear, earbuds require a proper fitting with the best-suited place to accomplish the perfect sound and comfort.

  • While inserting the earbuds, gently add pressure to the downside of the ear. This makes more room for the earbud to settle.
  • Do not push too hard, but let them sink effortlessly to the halfway.
  • After inserting, twist gently to find the best spot. Keep twisting with soft hand pressure until you find a comfy and safe place.

Wearing technique brings a massive effect on the comfort for long and extensive hours.

2. 60%/60-Minute Rule:

According to the research made by doctors and medical experts, it is confirmed that not taking exact notes on time and usage leads to severe ear damage. This research ends up making a rule called the 60%/60-minute rule. This can be briefly explained by the following two points.

  • The volume of your music should be under 60%.
  • The longest you can hear in one go should not be more than 60 minutes.

This is not only applicable to health measures but also to the comfort of your ears. Being sunk deeply in your ear canals demands proper timing to let your ears feel at ease also after the listening session. The heart damage will be 100% preventable if you are a solid admirer of the 60%/60-minute rule.

3. Ear-tips Replacements:

How to make earbuds more comfortable ||

Ear tips of a perfect size or fit are a must-have accessory for making earbuds comfortable. It is therefore recommended to put a noticeable effort into the size of the tips while buying.

But we admit that searching for earbuds with preferable demands and sizes can be a tricky task. Or sometimes it goes the opposite way we think that thing will work. If that is the case, we recommend you buy ear-tips from Amazon.

There are majorly two types of ear-tips. Silicon ear-tip and foam ear-tip. If you are looking for more comfortable, noise-canceling, and better-fitting, go with the soft foam ones.

Silicon tips are good but not as perfectly fitting as the foam ones. However, they are comfortable in a way that they let your ear breathe because of low noise isolation. Replacing ear-tips to the comfortable and according to your taste brings the comfort that you are looking for.

4. Proper Hygiene:

Sweat, dust, and stuffing are also the reasons for discomfort. Cleaning your earbuds in a week adds comfort to them. However, the cleaning process requires attention and complete guidance.

Cleaning of ear tips:

  1. Remove the earbuds and dust them off to remove dry dust particles.
  2. If you have silicon ear tips, soak them in soapy water for some time and dry them completely afterward.
  3. If the ear tips are foamy, try cleaning them with a soft and wet fiber cloth. Clean the linings and under-neath portion too.

Cleaning of earbuds:

Not only ear-tips but its speaker also needs gentle cleaning in a week. Do not use wet cloth or water over here. Dust them off and rub gently with a dry and soft fabric.

Cleaning earbuds or ear tips is beneficial not only for sound quality but for comfort too. Read how to clean your headphones for brief and complete guidance.


Long listening hours of your Favorite music playlist demands nothing but a noticeable comfort. Earbuds where provide a premium sound quality, they also come with sensitive comfort.

Being tiny and in-ear, they tend to exert more pressure on the ears resulting in severe damage to the ears if not taken care of properly. The question of how to make earbuds more comfortable can be answered by hygiene and strict use measures.

Cleaning and sensible replacements are the key components of increasing the comfort of your ears. A little bit of your attention and time daily can sweep the whole consequences of discomfort.

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