Are Audiophile Headphones Better For Gaming?

Gaming headphones have a completely different soundstage as compared to audiophile headphones. The frequency response the deep sounding and almost every other feature has its specification.

Both audiophile headphones and gaming headphones have their own weaknesses and hand preferences. But to say yes to the question of are audiophile headphones good for gaming is completely wrong.

Both headphones are best for their purposes. But is not the best option for one another.

Gaming Headphones vs Audiophile Headphones:

Gaming headphones are manufactured based on enhancing the gaming experience. They have surround sound and high noise cancellation.

Unlike gaming headphones, audiophile headphones have an accurate and deep bass response with moderate noise cancellation. Some of the best audiophile headphones for listening to music can help you.

What are the differences between audiophile headphones and gaming headphones?

Let’s check the major differences between both headphones that do not match them with one another.

1. Sound Stage:

The soundstage of gaming headphones is completely different from audiophile headphones. Gaming headphones have a bloomy soundstage. The gunshots and bombardments will blow your ears if your gaming headphones don’t make them bloomy.

On the other hand, audiophile headphones have an accurate soundstage which is the basic need of music listening. The bloomy soundstage will make your music like it is coming from a tunnel. For music, the soundstage should have a deep bass and flat frequency response.

2. Noise Cancellation:

Noise cancellation is also a major difference between audiophile and gaming headphones. The requirements of noise cancellation between audiophiles and gaming headphones are entirely different.

Gaming headphones have a high noise cancellation demand that can make users immersive. During gaming, noise cancellation serves as heaven when it makes the opponent’s side visible and audible.

However, audiophile headphones have different requirements. They require noise cancellation just to make sure that outside noises can be removed. High noise cancellation can make music buffy and stuffy.

3. Weight:

They also differ from each other in its weight. Audiophile headphones are made with high-quality material and have deep bass systems that are slightly heavier than others. On the other side, gaming headphones are far lighter and easier to wear.

4. Easy to Handle:

Audiophile headphones aren’t manufactured with the idea of commanding. Unlike gaming headphones, they don’t have a touch or control panel on both sides.

Meanwhile, all gaming headphones have handling buttons and touch panels. This helps gamers control their headphones without using their hands during gaming.


It is concluded that every specialized headphone made for a specific purpose has its features and pros and cons. Which makes them unique for their purpose.

Anything that can be used for a purpose other than its original will not entertain you in the same way. Audiophiles headphones are best for music listening but not for gaming.

Technically, you can use audiophile headphones for gaming but it may not give you the best experience.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What headphones are better for gaming?

Gaming headphones have particular features. Some of the best gaming headphones are Audio-Technica ATH-M50x, Beyerdynamic DT 990, and Bose QuietComfort 35.

2. Are music headphones good for gaming?

If you are a professional gamer, music headphones are not recommended to you for gaming. because of their deep soundstage and moderate noise cancellation.

3. How loud should gaming headphones be?

The experts say that gaming headphones should have 60 to 85 decibels. This range is suitable for gamers for long sessions.

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