How To Make Headphones More Comfortable with Glasses

Hey! Are you a glasses wearer as well as a headset user and facing trouble while using this combination? The headset already puts a lot of pressure on the skull’s temporal bone. Which further increases by the frame of your glasses and causes redness, pain, and swelling in ear cartilage. So you need to know how to make headphones more comfortable with glasses.

But we have a few tips for you on how to make your headphones more comfortable with glasses. For any concerns regarding making headphones comfortable, you can view our article on how to make headphones more comfortable.

Tips For Making Headphones Comfortable with Glasses:

If you are a glasses wearer and headphone user at the same time. So below are some of the tips on how to make your headphones more comfortable with glasses.

1. Glasses with Thinner Frames:

Try to use spectacles having thin temples. As its less surface area exerts less pressure on your skull bone rather than a thicker one. Metal-framed glasses are preferable as they possess thin metal strips instead of thick plastic-framed temples.

2. Foam Ear Cushions:

Use thick and comfortable foam ear paddings in your headset. Thick ear paddings are usually used to reduce pressure on the ears and its foamy material makes you comfortable when you try to wear them with glasses.

3. Stretched Headband:

To stretch the headband of your headphone, place your headphone over a bundle of books for 24-48 hours. Loss headband allows your glass frame to pass through the headset without exerting high pressure and causing pain in the ears.

4. Cut a Gap Through the Ear Cushion:

Another solution is making a gap in the ear cushion to pass the temple of glasses through it with the help of a cutter. It makes you feel like a person who didn’t wear glasses and enjoying the audio comfortably. However, I wouldn’t suggest this if the ear paddings of your headphones are irreplaceable.

5.  Lift Up the Temples of Your Glasses:

However, if you don’t care about your look, the simple and quick solution to this problem is to temporarily lift up the temples of your glasses. It might look weird, but it sounds more comfortable than you thought.

6. Over-Ear Headphones:

Over-ear headphones are preferable for long sessions as well as for bespectacled people as they don’t exert pressure on the ears and don’t press the temples of the glasses in the human skull temporal bone.

7. Virtual Reality Glasses:

Virtual reality glasses use a strap rather than temples. The strap is light-weighted and easily adjustable, which is not going to disturb you while using headphones.

8. Pince-nez Glasses:

Like virtual glasses, pince-nez glasses are also free from temples or even any kind of strap. It fits on your nose and makes you free from the uncomfortableness caused by the temples of glasses.


Although bespectacled people suffered a lot when it comes to using headphones because of severe headaches and uncomfortableness caused by the frames of glasses. They prefer to use earbuds rather than headsets. But if you are a gamer or a streamer, you don’t have any choice then.

Apart from this try to clean your headphones daily and deeply. This may require a few precautions but the results will astonish you. do check our article on how to clean headphones. where we provided detailed guidance.

I hope these tips can help you to make your headset perfectly fit and comfortable for you or you can move towards virtual reality glasses or pince-nez glasses.


1. How do I make my headphones and glasses friendly?

Use velour-padded headphones or cut a gap through the ear pads of your headset so that the stem of your frame passes through it.

2. Why do my glasses feel weird with headphones?

If you are a bespectacled person and your headset fits tightly on your skull, it looks weird and causes severe headaches because of pressure.

3. What headphones are best for people with glasses?

Over-ear headphones are best for bespectacled people rather than on-ear headphones. If you are a Beats headphone user check out how to make Beats headphones more comfortable.

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