Isn’t it annoying to see the broken headphone jack stuck in your audio port and preventing you to do even small tasks easily? broken headphone jack stuck in the audio port bothers you in making calls, listening to music also in notifying important messages.
We know that a broken headphone port is very frustrating but the solution to it is even easier. It only requires a little time but a lot of caution. We were determined to search for the methods that can give you the answer to your question which is, how to get a broken headphone jack out of a laptop? Therefore we gather some DIYs, professional and ultimate methods to help you get rid of your problem.
Wondering can a headphone jack be used as a microphone.
Identify the type of headphone jack and the extent of the damage:

A. Types of headphone jacks:
To pull out the stuck headphone jack from the audio port, you first need to determine which type of jack is used in it. There are three types of headphone jacks.
2.5 mm micro jack:
If the jack which is stuck in the audio port seems too small then it is probably a 2.5 mm micro jack. It is not very common nowadays but previously holds large domination in the headphone world. Now that the standard is not much in some devices, therefore, it has been converted into a 3.5 mm mini jack.
3.5 mm mini jack:
This is the most common type of jack which is embedded in almost all types of devices including apple products. As the size of this jack is moderate (not too small or large) therefore considered the handiest jack to be included in every device.
6.3 mm headphone jack:
There is only a 5% chance of the stuck headphone jack that you are trying to pull out is a 6.5 mm jack. It is the rarest and uncommon type and can only be found in electric guitars, musical instruments, or if your devices belong to the old era. Apart from these, this jack is nowhere to be seen, and you’re not most likely to meet a situation of pulling out a 6.5 mm headphone jack.
B. How to identify the type of headphone jack in your laptop:
To identify the type of headphone jack you need to observe the headphone jack. There is a noticeable difference between both jacks. The 2.5 mm micro jack is smaller and thinner than the 3.5 mm headphone jack. You can just put the 3.5 mm jack to the port.
As this is standard, this will help you identify your type of headphone jack. The perfectly fitting is a sign of having a 3.5 mm jack. However, if it is not willing to enter then your device surely has a 2.5 mm jack inserted in it.
C. How to check the extent of the damage:
To check how much it is affecting your performance is yet another thing to check before putting your hands into it. A broken headphone jack is the root cause of the distracted and unpleasing voice outcome. But the question is how bad it is. To check the extent of damage you can follow the given steps.
- The first thing that we want to do is to unplug any device that has been plugged into the device you want to check.
- Now generously insert your headphone plug into the jack (not vigorously). Open the sound recorder. You can launch the sound recorder by going to start>accessories>sound recorder.
- Now start the recording and try to speak in a maintained voice until it shows that it has been 1:00 minute of recording.
- Click on stop recording. And save the recording after giving it a name to the suitable location.
- Now go to that location and click on the recorded note which will be supported by the windows media player. Now click on the center of the screen to get it played.
The moment of truth is if your recorded voice is smooth then you should know that there is no damage in your headphone jack. However, the disturbance and cracking of sound will define the condition of your headphone jack. The more cracked voice, the more damaged your headphone jack is.
DIY solutions to remove a broken headphone jack from a laptop?

A. Using super glue or epoxy:
It is the most common and easy method to pull out your broken headphone jack.
- Find a suitable thing to insert into the headphone jack. Make sure that the thing is of the right size (not too large compared to the size of the jack). For example, you can take a safety pin or paper clip.
- Now put the pin or paperclip in super glue or epoxy but make sure to put a small amount of glue on it. Let it rest for a few seconds so that it gets firm. (you can read the instruction given on glue to know how much will it take to tackle)
- Insert the pin or paperclip softly towards the headphone jack until it touches the boundary.
- Hold it for a few seconds to let the glue stick to the boundary of the headphone jack.
- After the connection is built, pull the pin or paperclip firmly. You may need to apply a little force on it but do not get aggressive with it. If you are lucky enough you can get the headphone jack stuck with a pin or paper clip.
B. Using a paperclip or a sewing needle:
Another successful method to get rid of the broken headphone jack is to use a paperclip or pin by applying heat.
- You need to apply suitable heat with a lighter to soften the tip of the paperclip or pin.
- Once gets softened, insert it towards the jack where the soft tip will work like glue.
- Hold it for a few seconds to let the soft tip completely stick to the headphone jack.
- After the connection is built, pull the pin or paperclip firmly. You may need to apply a little force on it but do not get aggressive with it.
C. Using a vacuum cleaner or compressed air:
Using compressed air or a vacuum cleaner to get the broken jack out of a laptop is the most creative and easy way. However, it demands a little more care and money. You can buy compressed air cans from any local stores but make to have a thin tube to add pressure to the air. Now placed the tube straight into the headphone jack and press the button.
The 2 or 3 presses should be enough to loosen the headphones jack. Once get loosened, you can just pull them out by pin or any sharp thing. This method can lead you to rewarded success.
D. Using a toothpick or a pin:
This method is not very recommended but you can try it if you are good with techniques. The method is simple with no damage in the end. Take a small-sized toothpick or sharp pin and try to stuck it with small holes in the headphone jack.
After getting stuck, pull the toothpick or pin to see if the headphone jack becomes weak. It may take your time and is more likely to be done after several failed attempts.
Professional Solutions to Remove a Broken Headphone Jack from a Laptop:

A. Taking the laptop to a computer repair shop:
If you are afraid of getting into more trouble, consider taking your laptop to the computer repair shop where professionals will take care of your broken headphone jack.
B. Contacting the laptop manufacturer:
If DIYs did not help you much, you can contact the laptop manufacturer. As the manufacturer knows little details about the product, he can help you by giving some pro tips and precautions.
C. Using specialized tools like an extractor tool:
This method is limited to only professionals. Do not give it a shot if you are not professional. The extractor tool can help in getting the stuck headphone jack by applying a little force on it. Professionals know about the cons and precautions and can handle the extractor tool perfectly.
Preventing Future damage to the Headphone Jack:

Finally got rid of the annoying broken headphone jack and don’t want to face it again? You should read these precautions to avoid future problems.
A. Using a headphone jack cover:
It is recommended to cover your headphone jack so that it will be clean every time you insert it into the device. Uncovered headphones jack tends to become sticky or dirty. Dirty jacks are easier to stick and ultimately break inside the device if applied with excessive force.
B. Avoiding Forceful insertion & Removal of Headphone Jacks:
Be generous every time you insert the headphone jack into your device. Forceful insertions can lead you to a stuck or automated broken headphone jack.
C. Using wireless headphones instead of wired ones:
Wireless headphones, however, get an advantage when it comes to the annoying problem of the broken headphone jack. As wireless headphones don’t have a headphone jack how could you possibly get a broken one?
D. Regularly cleaning the headphone jack:
As I already mentioned above dirty headphone jacks are the main cause of broken or stuck headphone jacks. When jacks get dirty or sticky, the chances of a strong connection increase which ultimately leads to the breakage of the headphone jack in your device.
Talking about the DIY method how to get a broken headphone jack to get out of your laptop, the most recommended method is applying heat to the pin or paperclip. It just demands little time but a lot of attention and care.
Indeed, taking your laptop to the repair shop is a good option but you can save money and time by experimenting with some DIYs on it. Furthermore, the headphone port being broken is an annoying and problematic issue but the methods of resolving it are way easier than you think.
How do you remove a broken earphone jack from a laptop?
Removing a broken headphone jack from your laptop can be done by many methods. Like using glue or epoxy, using heat, using a paper clip or pin, and using an extractor tool. However, each method has its downsides and precautions which need to be followed properly.
How to fix a broken headphone jack on a computer?
Fixing broken headphone jacks on the computer is as same as on phones. You can use the same methods like using glue, an extractor tool, applying heat, etc. The most recommended one is by applying a little heat to the paper clip or pin.
How to remove a broken headphone jack tip?
Broken headphone tips which are now stuck in the audio port are an annoying problem. You can get rid of this problem by using the above-mentioned methods. The most recommended one is by applying a little heat to the paper clip or pin.
How much is it to repair a headphone jack on a laptop?
Although shops charges differently and according to the areas. The rough range of money you need to repair your broken headphone jack from the shop is $30 to $70.
How do you get a stuck headphone jack out of an IPAD?
There is nothing different in removing a headphone jack from IPAD. You can use a toothpick or a narrow thing to pull it out. Or applying a small amount of heat to the pin to make it work like glue is also a recommended and successful method to get a stuck headphone jack out of your IPAD.
How to get a broken headphone jack out of the phone?
Removing the headphone jack from the phone is way easier than you think. You can use either the glue or heat method to pull it out of your phone. However, each of them requires some of your time and attention.
How to remove a broken headphone jack without glue?
Apart from using glue to remove a headphone jack, there are also some other methods such as using heat. You can apply little heat to the pin to make it work like glue and pull it firmly to get the headphone jack out of your device.