How To Clean Headphone Jack Without Alcohol [Ultimate Guide]

Not for all cases, but sometimes voice cracking or breaking is the result of dirty headphone jacks. It is a very annoying process that made people buy new headphones without thinking of cleaning them. A broken headphone jack is yet another reason for sound cracking. Visit how to get a broken headphone jack out of a laptop to avoid this.

Therefore, only a clean and non-breaking headphone jack can guarantee a clear and loud sound. Cleaning a headphone jack is simple and has variable methods. However, each method has its safety precautions and measures that need to be seriously applied.

How To Clean Headphone Jack Without Alcohol:

How To Clean Headphone Jack Without Alcohol ||

Following are some of the methods on how to clean the headphone jack without alcohol.

By Using Cotton Swabs:

The most common and good-to-go method is by using cotton swabs. This method seems to be handy and easy as it only requires a household object with a squelch of clean water. Follow these steps to avoid any mistakes.

  • Get a small-sized cotton swab, and trim it according to the size of your headphone jack. This is the most important step. Because cotton swabs as small as headphone jack size are nowhere to be seen.
  • Note: Do not try to push a bid-sized cotton swab into the headphone jack. This will make the headphone jack sensitive.
  • Now dip the cotton swab in clean water and remove the excess water completely.
  • Insert the dipped cotton swab into the headphone jack and move it in a circular direction 4-5 times.
  • Get another cotton swab and trim it. But this time, insert the dry cotton swab to remove extra moisture.

By Using Padded Paperclip:

Another convenient process is to clear the headphone jack by using the padded paperclip. Paperclips are easy to be found at your nearer convenience store or stationery shops. However, its handling is a little tricky. Follow the instructions properly.

  • Get a paper clip and unfold it to the extent that one end becomes straight.
  • Cut tape for about 2-3 inches. Standard office tapes like scotch tape and cotton tape are preferable.
  • Wrap the tape tightly around the paper clip. Make sure that tape will not open up when it is inserted.
  • Insert the padded paperclip into the headphone jack and circulate it 4-5 times. All dirt will stick to the tape.
  • Now remove the paperclip gently. Do not try to pull it hard as this will cause the table to open up.

By Using Compressed Air:

Another method of cleaning headphone jacks is by using compressed air. This might be a little expensive but it will be worth the money. You will need a compressed air can and a nozzle.

  • Get yourself a compressed air can. you can buy it from any electronic shop or in the cleaning section.
  • Fix the nozzle around the can and put it just before the headphone jack.
  • Push the button around the can to dispense a blast of compressed air. 2-3 pushes will be enough to remove all the dirt and debris.

How to Keep the Headphone Jack Clean:

As headphone jacks are open, the accommodations of dirt are easily more than you think. Thus, it is said that every headphone owner should clean them regularly or twice a week.

But if you are a very busy person, you can use a headphone plug to make a barrier around your headphone jack. Headphone plugs come in different sizes, so be careful and make sure to buy the right size.


It is not a denying fact that a cleaned and non-breaking headphone jack not only produces better sound but it also prolongs the device’s life. Therefore, cleaning a headphone jack is as important as investing in good headphones.

Before buying a headphone, it’s also very important to have a deep knowledge about its jack. Whether a headphone jack can be used for a microphone or not etc. this helps you understand it better and also helps in cleaning and taking care of them.

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