How Do Bluetooth Headphones Work? The Complete Guide

Bluetooth technology is a wireless technology that worked as a transmitter of data between two short-distanced devices. Later, this technology was embedded in the pool of earbuds and headphones. This is because to turn them into wireless headsets or wireless earbuds. The main purpose was to abolish the need for unnecessary wires that were used to connect the devices. In this article, we will discuss how Bluetooth headphones work, how sound transfer and Bluetooth headphones work. Plus, some pros and cons of using Bluetooth headphones.

The Bluetooth technology in headphones first came in 1998 with its first iteration (1.0 version). The Bluetooth special interest group has only one aim. To better the quality of the range, speed, and power consumption with each new version. This means that each new version will ensure the treats provided by the old version. As technology is evolving day by day, Bluetooth technology also takes a move from the 1.0 version to 5.0. As for today, Bluetooth having 5.0 iteration is considered the most compatible.  

How do Bluetooth Headphones Work?

The working of wireless headsets as compared to wired headphones is no different except for the receiving of audio comes from the audio device. The wired headsets receive audio from their parent device through a wire. While wireless or Bluetooth headsets receive their audio via Bluetooth. They need to connect to the audio device.

Phases from which audio travels:

After the audio is successfully received by headphones. This audio has to pass through two different and important phases before reaching to headphones driver.

1st phase:

In this phase, the received audio changes its form from a digital audio signal to an analog audio signal so that it can be interpreted by Bluetooth. Once the audio is received Bluetooth commands a built-in digital-to-analog converter to do its job. This is the most important phase where the audio signal converts into a form that can be read by Bluetooth.

2nd phase:

The audio from the built-in digital-to-analog converter is now transmitted to the amplifier. The amplifier does its job by boosting the converted audio signal to a voltage level. This helps in transmitting the audio smoothly to a headphone’s driver.

After passing through these phases the audio finally reached the headphones’ driver.

How do Bluetooth headphones produce sound?

Once the audio signal is converted to an appropriate signal or to a signal which can be read by Bluetooth. It is now the driver’s job to produce sound.

After the signal is entered by the driver, the rest of the work will be done by the driver. It produces suitable sound waves interpreting the original audio signal. In this way, the sound is produced and we get to hear the audio via Bluetooth headphones.

Steps for Connecting Bluetooth Headphones?

Connection of your Bluetooth headset with your device is very easy and can be done in minutes. By following a few steps, you can pair your Bluetooth headset with your mobile or with your laptop/PC.

Connecting With Mobile:

  1. Swipe down the top of your window
  2. Click on the Bluetooth icon to turn on the Bluetooth
  3. Hold and press the Bluetooth icon to open its window.
  4. Look for the name of your device in new paired devices or available devices. If you can’t find the name of your device, refresh your Bluetooth window by clicking on refresh.
  5. Click on the name of your device to get paired.
  6. As soon as the connection builds, the notification of permission will appear on your mobile screen.
  7. Click on pair to get paired with your headphones.
  8. Your mobile will get paired with your headsets until you unpair them.

Connecting With Laptop/Pc:

Turning on Bluetooth on your laptop or PC can be done through two methods.

1st method:

  1. look for an arrow on the right side of your taskbar, next to the date, time and WI-FI network.
  2. Click on the arrowhead to get more options
  3. here you will find a Bluetooth icon, click on it.
  4. A Bluetooth window will open.
  5. Click on the slide button to turn on the Bluetooth.

2nd method:

If you can’t find from the above method, try these steps:

  1. Click on start on the left of your taskbar
  2. Select Settings
  3. Go with Bluetooth or other devices
  4. A Bluetooth window will open. Click on the slide button to turn on the Bluetooth.

After turning on the Bluetooth,

  1. Look for the name of your device in new paired devices or available devices. If you can’t find the name of your device, refresh your Bluetooth window by clicking on refresh.
  2. Click on the name of your device to get paired.
  3. As soon as the connection builds, the notification of permission will appear on your desktop screen.
  4. Click on pair to get paired with your headphones.

Your laptop /PC will get paired with your headsets until you unpair them.

Benefits of Using Bluetooth Headphones:

1. Hand-free use:

The main purpose of embedding Bluetooth technology in headsets is to provide users a hands-free use. Bluetooth headphones offer you to move your hands or do any task while listening to your favorite music. Unlike wired headsets that you have to glue to your ear. Sometimes the wire also becomes an obstacle if you are doing other tasks also. Well, if you are using Bluetooth headsets you will be free from this.

2. Keep your focus:

As your hands are free while using Bluetooth headsets, you can properly do your other work without worrying about your mobile or headphones. This is very helpful if you are driving or taking calls while working.

3. Offers roaming around:

Depending upon the connectivity range of your headset you will be able to roam around without taking your mobile with you. Put your phone on the desk and you will be able to walk within 30 feet of range without any connectivity issues. Taking notes during your lecture walking around your roam, and eating between calls, have become much easier with these Bluetooth headsets.

Disadvantages of Bluetooth Headphones:

Although there are a lot of advantages of using Bluetooth headphones apart from that users experience some of the disadvantages of using Bluetooth or wireless headphones.

1. Connectivity issue:

The most common issue that most Bluetooth users had to face is connectivity. Sometimes, the connectivity of Bluetooth headsets is not reliable. If you are traveling in windy or dusty weather, you may have to face connectivity issues. Concerning this, wired headphones are more reliable as they don’t have any connectivity concerns.

2. Battery timing:

Unlike wired headsets, you have to charge your Bluetooth headsets from time to time. if you are a Bluetooth headsets user, you may have to face the battery timing issue. If you are an office worker, you can’t ignore the dignity of wired headphones as you have to attend sudden meetings and business calls. These are the main concerns that make people buy wired headsets over Bluetooth ones.

3. Costly:

Unlike wired headphones, Bluetooth headphones are way too pricey. This means you have to spend also if you are going to buy them. Wired headsets are cheap nowadays.

Tips for Buying Bluetooth Headphones:

If you are going to buy Bluetooth headphones you need to read these pro tips before buying. Unlike wired headsets, you need to consider a lot of things while choosing Bluetooth headsets.

1. Battery timing:

The first thing you need to check before buying Bluetooth headsets is their battery timing. Having a long battery time is a must tool if you are a Bluetooth user. The headset with 12-15 hours of battery life on a single charge is the best one.

2. Connectivity range:

 You should take a close look at its connectivity range. Low and weak connectivity may cause you many distractions and can be a great obstacle during your favorite playlist. 5th iteration Bluetooth headphones are the best option. They can offer a roaming range of almost 33 feet.

3. Touch control:

Many Bluetooth headsets come with touch sensors or control buttons. These features help a lot. The whole control is at your fingertips. The single touch performs the volume adjustments, the skipping of the song, and reversing of music. You should consider buying headsets that are paired with touch sensors.


In conclusion, the advantages of Bluetooth headsets are dominating over their disadvantages. Bluetooth headphones may require more spending than wired headsets. But the luxuries of Bluetooth headsets will not make you disappoint.

You can enjoy the freedom of hands and can do your work without distorting your music playlist. Driving, business calls, eating, and walking all these activities have become more interesting after Bluetooth technology made its progress in headphones.

So, that was the complete guide to how Bluetooth headphones work. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Bluetooth headphones? Plus, the tips for buying Bluetooth headphones. We hope you liked it. If you did, then give us your feedback by appreciating our efforts.

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